
Scientific Journals & Magazine Articles - LLNL

Magazine & Peer Review Journal Articles (click here)

Authored & Co-authored articles while employed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1972-2007

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Physics Research: Technician / Technical Writer (click here)

Operated by The University of California : 1972-2007

Content Creator - Blogs • Websites • Magazines

Freelance writing assignments: (click here)

• Over the years I have learned how to separate the Signal From The Noise in order to understand what the data is telling me - which allows me to translate this information into real ideas that anyone can understand.

*YA Novel "Dystopian Fantasy"

"The Dreams of the Common People" (click here)

"For one to succeed . . . a friend must die!"


*Middle Grade Novel

Middle Grade Novel (click here)

No magic . . . just fun chasing danger on the high seas during the Napoleonic Wars in 1803. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


*Chapter Book

"Back Yard - Jungle Adventures" (click here)

What if - you had a wild animal Zoo in your back yard?


*Picture Book

Picture Book titled: The Holemakers" (click here)

The search for something "wonderful" that never existed......


*Misc. Writing Interests

*Children's - Short Stories

*Various Genre's - Short Stories

*Random thoughts, bouncing around my head"

My Ambition: "Bore No One & Entertain" (click here)

. . . and keep them turning the pages . . .


De-viant' Art Website

Meme Manipulations (click here)

Photo Manipulation using Gimp software


*Why I Write - How I Write"

I LOVE writing. I HATE having finished writing.” (click here)


After experiencing a Grand Mal Seizure on Nov. 25th, 2006, I discovered I had (mysteriously) gained the ability to write fiction after a lifetime of only writing non-fiction. As a result, I began writing short stories for children and then branched out into other genre's.


Prose . com

Prose, poetry and Short Stories (click here)

The most wonderful site to read other writers poetry and prose and to post my own for feedback.

*Review of whimsical story

Anthology Published Story (click here)

Cat's Cradle Time Yarns: Time Yarns Anthologies Book 3 (Amazon E-Book), Dec-30-2012

Title: The Sleepy Cat's Treasure Hunt


Videography Short Course Truck Racing

Visual Storytelling (click here)

05-21-2021 https://nofilmschool.com/u/don-nelson

Onboard Racing Vehicle Videography . . . . . . Click "Download" . . . to view race vehicle.


The Future of The Swinging Pendulum



The Pendulum Swings Both Ways